NAME: Tomas G. Petrov
POSITION: Consultant
INSTITUTION: Sokolov Co Ltd. St. Petersburg
HOME ADDRESS: 21 Apt. 15, Line 4 Vas. Isl., St. Petersburg 199053, Russia
PHONE/Fax: +7 (812) 323-1840

— 1989, Dr. Geol.-Miner. Sci. in modeling of crystals growth in nature. Geology Dept., St. Petersburg University
— 1962, Ph.D. in crystallography, Geology Dept., St. Petersburg University
— 1954-1957 Postgraduate studies
— 1954, Graduation (Mineralogy), Geology Dept., St. Petersburg University
— 1949, School No. 30, Petersburg

— 2015 Consultant of the  Sokolov Co., Ltd, St. Petersburg
— 1990-2014 Chief Researcher, Institute of Earth Science St. Petersburg University
— 1980-1990 Chief Researcher. Head of Crystallogenesis Laboratory, Inst. of the Earth’s Crust, St. Petersburg Univ.
— 1964-1980 Senior Researcher, Inst. of the Earth’s Crust, St. Petersburg Univ.
— 1959-1964 Junior Researcher, Inst. of the Earth’s Crust, St. Petersburg Univ.
— 1957-1959 Assistant, Crystallogenesis Lab., Inst. of the Earth’s Crust, St. Petersburg Univ.
— 1954-1957 Teacher of Young Geologists Club, Leningrad Palace of Pioneers

INTERESTS: RHAT-method, information languages, coordinate systems, alphabets, coding, crystal growth, mineralogy, geo-cosmochemistry, movement of solutions in geothermal fields, Yellowstone, crystal formation as an information process, methodology, semiotics, linguistics, demography, cognitive science, design, separation-mixing processes, self-organization mechanisms , psychology, history

— 2000 -2011 “Crystallogenesis for petrology” Geology Dept., St. Petersburg Univ.
— 2000- 2003 “New methods in petrology” Geology Dept., St. Petersburg Univ.
— 1980-1984 “Intelligent Technologies” Geology Dept., St. Petersburg University
— 1958-1980 “Crystallogenesis”. Geology Dept., Petersburg University

— 1981-1982 Methodological Seminar: etiological analysis
— 1954- 1990 Recovery and management of the Crystallogenesis Laboratory. St. Petersburg University

— 17th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (2013, Orlando, Florida, USA)
— 3rd  International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics (2012, Orlando, Florida, USA)
— 16th International Conference “Geochemistry of magmatic rocks” (Moscow, Russia, 2009)
— 3th International symposium «Mineral diversity, research and preservation» (2005, Sofia, Bulgaria)


— A method for studying the growth of crystals from solutions under a microscope during thermostating
— Establishing a connection between the electrical resistance of mica and its dislocation structure
— Establishing the specificity of the effect of a solvent on structurally different crystal faces
— Etiological analysis as an analysis of networks of cause and effect relationships
— Information language proposed- Method RHAT as “Soft” system of coordinates in regular simplexes
— Method hierarchical periodic ordering of compositions of any nature
— Method of growing malachite [Na10CaCu2(SO4))8] and its production method (co-author) 8 Patents
— Methods of growing single crystals 2 Patents
— The concept of Anentropy as the Entropy of Separation
— The concept of entry into the mantle of meteoric waters in closed cavities
— The concept of intensional alphabets is formulated. (co-author)
— The concept of Tolerance as the Entropy of Purification
— Formulated and implemented the idea of a rank formula as a key term in professional language for describing compositions of any nature
— Two-entropy diagram: mixing entropy-entropy of separation

— Two-entropy diagram: mixing entropy-entropy of purification

— Two-parameter alphabet (co-author)
— R-Dictionary-catalogue of chemical compositions of minerals. (co-author)
— Software complex Petros (co-author)


— Name mineral «Petrovite». Mineralogical Magazine , Volume 84 , Issue 5 , October 2020 , pp. 691 – 698  DOI:

— Prize of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists for the book «R-dictionary-catalog of chemical compositions of minerals» (2010)

— Prize of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists for the book «Genesis of mineral individuals and aggregates» (1997)

English (elem.), Germany (elem.).

— 2012 to present member of the International Institute of Informatics and Systemics
— 2012 to present member of D.I. Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society
— 1974 to 2017 member of the Academic Council on Theses
— 1972 to present member of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists
— 1972 to 2011 member of the Russian Mineralogical Society

PUBLICATIONS: more than 230 publications (including 4 books, 12 invention certificates), editor of several books.

— 2010 RFBR
— 1998 msgpa

PERSONAL: Born on April 28, 1931, Yelan, Stalingrad Region, Russia.  Married, four children.

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Методы научного познания

В чем оригинальность языка-метода RHAT

Выращенный малахит — аналог природного

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Как возникал язык и с ним метод RHA    

Кристаллы как форма и способ жизни

Минералогия на информационном языке RHAT

50 лет жизни языка-метода RHA на людях

Спасибо минералогам за открытие петровита

Этиологический анализ

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